Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Internet Of Things(IoT)


The Internet Of Things is the inter-working of physical devices.they are mainly used in the physical devices,moving vehicles and others devices,which are embedded with some sensors or software etc that will enable the communication between the devices or say exchange of data between the devices.The IoT devices are integrated with the smart city development.These are capable of solving the Real world problems.

For Ex: Family members moving out of the house and the lighting inside should get shutdown automatically or person entering the house should be recognized(Owner or family member) and the door should open automatically etc is possible from IoT.

The IoT is nothing but all about the sensors.There are many sensors available in the present era.lets go through them one by one:

Temperature sensors: These are used to sense the temperature from machine to down to earth. If we consider the machines which needs to kept cool,here the sensors will report to the user if it is overheated.Even for water heaters can be used to know weather the water is heated up to the level.

Pressures sensors: These sensors are used for water flow or water leakages etc.For ex: the Domestic purpose make use of water in frequent time intervals.If there is leakage of water per house then around 20-30% of water is wasted,which is the major disadvantage.In such situation the sensor immediately inform the user about the leakage etc and user take appropriate action.

Chemical/Gas Sensors: These are used to control the quality of air in the city.It warns if more amount of CO2 is increased which effect the health etc.

 Level Sensors:These are used to sense the level of area.i.e. the level of water filled in the tanks,the level of waste within the dustbins etc.

There are many others sensors,the above mentioned are the most useful and are also used for the applications of day to day life.These senors can be made use for the projects.

The others thing we focus on is how to compute the data and process it and send it to the user?

Yes ,to read the data we need some technologies and hardware components.There are two boards available for these.Raspberry Pi and Aurdino.   



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